The Killers, ‘Bright Lights’ – Single Review ★★★★☆

The Killers are arguably one of the bands who got me into indie music having discovered them back in 2004 with their “Hot Fuss” album, ask me where that time has gone and I could not tell you. But, one thing is certain, they are just as powerful now as ever before and with their new single “Bright Lights”, they prove to still have that golden Vegas charm.

The first thing I notice while hearing this new track is that the band enjoy exploring new ground while staying true to their trademark sound. They never really delve too far from the sound which propelled them to stardom in the first place, as opposed to other bands like Arctic Monkeys who reigned at the top of indie at a similar time in the mid-2000s, yet changed their sound massively. It is kind of refreshing to have them remain true, while still growing at the same time.

“Bright Lights” By The Killers Is A Grower

This track for me is a grower, it does not immediately stand out as one of their biggest hits, especially when comparing my feelings to that while hearing songs like “Human” or “Mr. Brightside” for the first time, but it is certainly up there with their most potent. Also, it gets better the more you listen to it too, which is something I have experienced quite a lot with The Killers.

Also, if you are feeling a little bit down or lacking motivation, then this song may well be just what you need in your life right now. Moreover, singer Brandon Flowers tells us everything is going to be “Alright”, and to turn the “Bright Lights” on, that is all we need to hear Brandon!

“Bright Lights” by The Killers is out now and it is the first from the group in 2024, therefore it is certainly worth your time checking it out! You can take a listen here.

Becky Anderson

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