The Hunna Interview

Indie rockers ‘The Hunna’ are one, if not the most exciting indie rock bands currently hailing from planet earth. They bring a quality which makes them stand out on their own and they go from strength to strength with each new release. Luckily, we got to speak to them. Here is what we spoke about.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

“Everything that comes with being a musician is incredible to be honest. Doing something you love for a living is the dream. We get to meet so many amazing people along the way and always have fun whilst doing it. We love that music brings people together. Everyone gets to lose control and get lost in the moment because of it.”

Which Track Of Yours Means The Most To You?

“Every record we’ve ever put out has meant something to us in some way. To pick one is tough to say. Our new record ‘I’d Rather Die Than Let You In’ expresses how we all currently feel and shows our prospective from our recent split with our previous record label and management. Release date: 2nd October. Album is available for preorder on our online store.”

The First-Ever Gig You Played, Can You Remember It? How Was It?

“Our first ever show as The Hunna was in London, Boston Music Rooms. We actually had three shows back to back and all of them were sold out which was an amazing start for the four of us.”

What Do You Think Is The Key To Success As A Musician?

“Having that certain something within you that’s hungry to succeed and always be willing to learn to better yourself. Commitment, consistency and passion. Would recommend having those traits for any young and up and coming artist/band.”

If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Job Would You Be Doing?

“God knows aha. All we have ever known is music and have always focused on making a career out of it somehow. In the early days we used to work any job (sales, construction, retail, bars + more) just so we could put money into being in a band.”

Alanis Hall

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