What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

I enjoy having a secure space to express my emotions. I love the freedom l have to write about how l feel. I struggle to verbalise my thoughts and feelings in my day-to-day life, so music gives me a chance to talk about how l am feeling without any barriers. The writing process for me is cathartic every time l write a song l feel like l am releasing all my stressful experiences and gaining a sense of clarity.

Which Track Of Yours Means The Most To You?

Every track l have released means a lot to me. My music reveals my life experiences each song reflects part of who l am. Lyrically a song l wrote that means a lot to me is Lust. I was in a vulnerable place when l wrote it. sitting down and writing about my heartbreak and growing pains helped me to heal and find some autonomy. 

The First-Ever Gig You Played, Can You Remember It? How Was It?

The first gig I ever played was at The Cavendish Arms. I was so nervous, l still get nervous before going on stage. I remember having a percussionist with me and doing some spoken word and music. despite my nerves l loved it, l felt in my element. I had my outfit picked out l felt happy. Having encouragement from the audience and friends made it a memorable night for me. 

What Do You Think Is The Key To Success As A Musician?

I think the key to success is to form your version of success. Success to one musician can be finishing a whole album success to another can be writing meaningful lyrics. I think it’s gentle to think about success in the music industry with compassion because every musician is on a unique journey that cannot be measured. What is important is the joy you can find from doing what you love. I feel like a successful musician is a musician that is satisfied with their work and creativity and finds peace from it. 

If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Job Would You Be Doing?

I am into mediation, yoga, and therapy. I think l would be a therapist or some sort of holistic healing coach. I love learning about personal behaviour and what shapes someone’s personality and perspective.


Colby Morrel

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