Sports Team Robbed at Gunpoint on Day One of US Tour


British indie band Sports Team robbed at gunpoint in Vallejo, California at the beginning of their US road trip. Known for their two top 10 albums in the UK, the band lost personal items, stage equipment, and passports in the ordeal. Moreover, the heist happened as a burglar aimed at their tour vehicle while the group stopped at a Starbucks for breakfast.


The episode happened around 8:45 am local time, just before the band was scheduled to travel to Sacramento for the opening concert. The band rushed outside as a bystander told them about the continuing robbery. Unaware of the risk, their tour manager walked up to the van until others cautioned about the robber carrying a gun. Then the burglar aimed the firearm at her and left with the pilfers.

Sports Team Robbed Video Footage

Video footage caught the tense events as the band sought to evaluate the situation and the burglar brandishing the gun. The band members said that although the crime was horrible yet very ordinary, the local people seemed unconcerned. This lack of response highlighted an attitude of resignation about such events in the neighbourhood.

Notwithstanding the loss, the band have revealed that they will not to let the event ruin their trip. But, the encounter has given their path a disturbing overlay that emphasises the difficulties artists may encounter when travelling overseas.

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