Pale Waves, ‘Fall To Pieces’ – Single Review

Pale Waves surprise with every new release, and when you think they cannot get any better, they drop a gem like ‘Fall To Pieces‘. Carrying on with their niche vision, Pale Waves get the listeners gripping yet again, it is an instant stadium anthem.

A zesty guitar lead kicks off, and it serenades the ears with an ethereal tone. Frontwoman, Heather then leaps forward and delivers a cleverly-written vocal overture. The music then suddenly picks up the pace with a clapping rhythm which will surely get fans going wild at their live shows.

On Edge

The energy oozes out once the track hits the melting point and all the instruments synergise seamlessly. But, despite so much going on in the instrumental, it is challenging not to focus on Heathers piercing poetry. Her lyrics are thought-provoking with her expressing her self conspicuously. She is on edge with a lover. Also, although she loves with all her heart, she is anxious about how long it will be until they fall to pieces.

As the track progresses, the message becomes even more in-depth, and the music matches the mood of the wordplay. Towards the latter, Heather reiterates how her lover is the ‘best part of my life‘ and she is sick of the pair continually picking on each other’s weaknesses. Her story is emotionally-rich, and it will be no surprise to witness so many people relating to her words.

But, is this new music direction a good route for Pale Waves? It appears so. They have found a niche for sure, and they will undoubtedly go from strength to strength from this point forward.

You can take a listen to ‘Fall To Pieces‘ by Pale Waves below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts on the new release by commenting below. As always, we love to hear your feedback.

Emily Harris

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