Kid Cudi / “THE MOON MAN SURVIVES” / Single Review ★★★★☆

American rapper, Kid Cudi is back with his new single, “THE MOON MAN SURVIVES”. From the get-go, it becomes apparent that this track does not conform to any form of status quo. Moreover, it is a million miles away from anything else any other rapper is doing currently.


There is a really exciting flow in this song for me. Personally, I am impressed with the production quality and the versatility of the mix. Moreover, the beat structure has a frequent eighth-note rhythm and this emerges every few bars making it quite unique compared to other songs in the same space. There is an unusual synth which plays out regularly too, creating a profound depth. The rap bars from Kid Cudi also fit the track perfectly as he expresses himself with vigour.


“THE MOON MAN SURVIVES” has profound meaning with Kid Cudi exploring various themes of mental health and resilience. Lyrics like “can’t tell a curse from a blessing” also speak about the difficulty of working out what is good in life and what is harmful. There is also a sense of seeking acceptance and aspiring to heal, realising that life is a journey and finding peace with what has been can take time. For me, the more you delve into the lyrics, the more you realise how introspective they are with Kid Cudi often illustrating the loneliness which can come from battling personal struggles.

Overall, this is an influential and powerful release from Kid Cudi. It is also the perfect follow-up to his last single, “DON’T WORRY” which came out in September.

Listen Here

You can take a listen to “THE MOON MAN SURVIVES” below. Also, be sure to check out the lyric video for the song here. Lastly, why not let us know your thoughts on this song by commenting below?

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