Jay Ebby East is the indie trailblazer of modern times, and he recently took some time out of his busy schedule to have a chat.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

“It has to be making music for others to enjoy and the admiration I get for doing it.”

Which Track Of Yours Means The Most To You?

“‘My Sweet Love’ is the best track; it is a personal song for my autistic son.”

The First-Ever Gig You Played, Can You Remember It? How Was It?

“My first gig, I remember very well. It is an experience which I will never forget. The fans made me feel like a king. You never forget when people make you feel that way. It was a kick-ass moment!”

What Do You Think Is The Key To Success As A Musician?

“Success to me is overcoming every problem which appears. It is a mental thing, I feel sorry for some major label artists, they get the business side taken care of, and I don’t see them succeed as a person. How can you be when everything is taken care of already?”

If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Job Would You Be Doing?

“I love the rock n roll lifestyle, I love making love, and I can’t take drugs, because I am in recovery, so take the music away, and I would be a porn star.”

Colby Morrel

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