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Avalanche’ by James Arthur – Single Rating: 4/5 ★★★★

With ‘Avalanche,’ James Arthur is back on top form. It’s a song that hits close to home, with the performer expressing genuine passion. It’s also a testament to his consistent class, and many, including us, are perplexed about how he can keep growing after such a streak of successes.

James’ voice is a force to be reckoned with, sending goosebumps up the back of your neck. He is bold, and his enthusiasm flows by the barrel load. Also, this new one takes the vocalist farther into the history books, with his trademark roughness hitting the chops for all the right reasons.

The music is somewhat simple, yet it works, and the sweet timbre of the acoustic guitar rhythm melts the heart. A subtle drum usage lends weight to the mix, along with a cadence in the middle section that draws us closer to the production. It’s a brilliant structure that James has delivered before, but he sounds even more enthralling here.

Overall, ‘Avalance’ is the gem that we have all been craving. It fills a void in the current scene, and it gets better with every playthrough. So, you’re looking for a song that can transport you to another world? Look no farther than James Arthurs latest release. Given the stimulating experience it gives, it is a treat that will undoubtedly be echoing out of playlists for some time.

You can take a listen to ‘Avalanche’ by James Arthur below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts on this new release by commenting beneath this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback. So, do you think that this is one of the best new songs from James Arthur? Also, are you looking forward to more new music from James? 

Emily Harris

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