Photo Credit:<a href=""> Stefan Brending</a> | <a href=“">Licence</a>

‘Mr. Minister’ by Jake Bugg – Single Rating: 4/5 ★★★

The most sought-after singer-songwriter to come out of Nottingham in recent times, Jake Bugg, is again at the forefront of the indie-folk music scene with the release of his new single, ‘Mr. Minister’. The latest release is part of the 10th Anniversary album, which arrived on September 9th.

Even though it’s been quite a few years since Jake made his debut, he still maintains the same edge that got him so far in the beginning. Jake’s vocal is easily recognisable, and even though it’s been so long, he still has that initial fresh quality. This new release is nothing too fancy, considering it is somewhat stripped down. Furthermore, it consists of only an acoustic guitar playing alongside an upfront vocal delivery from Jake.

Using his wordplay, Bugg attempts to speak for the many people suffering in this bizarre historical period. He rants about the difference between those at the top of the political realms and the regular folks. Is it believable, though, given that Bugg’s success over the past several years has undoubtedly left him with quite a few pounds in his pocket? We will defer to your judgement on this matter, but many people will be pleased to see Bugg advocate for the general population’s welfare; after all, he is a member of the populace just like the rest of us!

You can take listen to ‘Mr. Minister’ by Jake Bugg below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts on this new release by commenting beneath this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback. So, do you think that this is one of the best new releases from Jake Bugg? Also, are you looking forward to more new releases?

Be Sure To Follow The Playlist Below For More New Music!

Emily Harris

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