Interview: Vix from Fuzzbox ahead of Polyfest

Brummie all-female band Fuzzbox came together in 1985, with lead singer Vix (Vickie Perks) at the helm.  After two albums, the group disbanded but in recent years, have reunited to the relief of many fans.  In advance of their performance at the iconic PolyFest 2018, Vix took some time to sit down and discuss their history and evolution and what it is to be in a band such as Fuzzbox.


What drew you to music initially?

It was an accident! All of us ere out at a nightclub in Birmingham when friends of ours told us they were playing but didn’t have a support band. We volunteered even though we couldn’t play guitar, bass or drums and didn’t have a band. We rehearsed for 3 hours and performed. Surprisingly we got asked back! We got signed after that second gig.

The music scene in the 80’s must have been simply amazing…

It was great. Loads of live bands and technology was really taking off. Not only that fashion was more creative. Good times

How did you evolve to the genre of music that you ended up in?

We all grew up! The other girls were only 16 when the band started so although we started being punk/pop it naturally evolved into being more pop as we had all grown apart in our musical preferences. Pop was the middle ground. we were also signed to a major label so it made sense from a business perspective.

There is still an appetite for your music, and the reunions of the band, what do you think is the strength of that?

Music from the 80’s is still very popular. It’s the music of the baby boomers but our music being as though we are an all-girl band remains enduring as we were trail blazers. We are one of very few all female playing bands to have major success.

There is an evermore present call for strong female bands, and the rise of notice to bring these bands to the fore, did you notice inequality when you were first starting out?

Inequality was ever present. All people are strong in my opinion it’s the circumstances they have to deal with that makes them appear stronger. It still is however a rarity to have an all-female PLAYING band. Women were and are examined more closely as if you have to be better than men? No. You just need to be the same. It is clear from historical interviews that the questions we were asked that we were treated differently. Questions such as ‘do you fight over lipsticks?’ ‘do you fight over boys?’. No one ever thought that one us might be gay – my sister Jo was. It was very difficult at times.

Do you still see the band continuing on and would you like to?

We do want to continue but maybe in a more creative way. The music industry has changed so the ways in which bands earn money has too. We are considering doing a show and a book.

What is the rest of the year looking like for you and the band?

We have a few events lined up the most notable being PolyFest. We are very much looking forward to this event. We are also working on the book and show

Be sure to follow the band here!










Dana Miller

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