Imagine Dragons, ‘Wrecked’ – Single Review ★★★★

Wrecked ‘by Imagine Dragons – Single Rating: 4/5 ★★★★

Imagine Dragons, the Nevada-based rock band, have released ‘Wrecked,’ one of the most intriguing new songs globally. This one will bring extra joy to the ears of anyone who like the band’s past catalogue. This one will also have you hooked like a fisherman’s bate if you are new to the band.

The guitar lead snaps along to a powerful bass line as ‘Wrecked‘ begins with an angelic introduction. The drums are then added to the mix, along with Dan Reynolds‘ fascinating vocal. His delivery is unmistakable, and within the first few seconds, he provides the tune the group’s signature touch. His tone is warm and inviting, and he takes us on a journey back to a period when he was in a state of sorrow due to a close-ones departure.

Mighty Refrain

The group has a sound reminiscent of One Republic, with a similar structure and flow that the One Republic boys are known for providing. On the other hand, the foundation has a lot of individual zeal, and the refrain is mighty! Furthermore, at the chorus portion, the excitement hits a whole new level, and the vocals smack the chaps for all the right reasons. It feels pleasant, and the powerful tune lodges itself deep inside the cortex, luring us back for more.

The melody clings to the spotlight in the concluding section, and the guitar lead adds a new crunch to the vanguard, resulting in a conclusion that leaves the mouth-watering by the barrel load. Dan also closes the track with a bang, delving deep into his vocal repertoire.

Wrecked‘ is from the band’s upcoming new album, ‘Mercy – Part 1‘, out on the 3rd of September. 

You can take a listen to ‘Wrecked‘ by Imagine Dragons below. Also, please let us know your thoughts on this new release by commenting on this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback. So, do you think this is one of the best tracks from Imagine Dragons

Emily Harris

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