Photo Credit: Concerto XL

For years, artists’ and bands’ financial margins have been squeezed, with many streaming sites paying sums that mean smaller artists get virtually nothing for their music.

However, that is about to change! Concerto-XL is a digital concert arena platform that allows artists and bands to publish original content in their own virtual arenas, where fans dress up in artist t-shirts, dance, converse in real-time audio, and realistically interact with other fans.

Stuart Cheese, the creator of Concerto-XL, said: “Artists and labels alike are finding the modern music business a more and more challenging prospect where revenue streams are measured in fractions of a penny”

“What we are offering is a very different experience for fans and a place where artists can sell tickets to their own virtual shows, video premiers etc, but with no need for any additional technology on the artists or fans side. Right now, anyone with a PC can watch the shows or content and over the coming months more platforms will be added”. Additionally, the platform allows releases to be run in conjunction with artists existing YouTube strategies, so this is not an either / or proposition”.

Check out how it works in the video below. Also, to find out more visit

Colby Morrel

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