Anne-Marie, ‘Perfect to Me’ – Single Review

As if we couldn’t love Anne-Marie more, she has released a song all about empowerment and being YOU.

‘Perfect to Me’ is the latest single to grace our ears and as well as having the effortless vocals we all know and love, it also has some super important messages in there too.

What is your definition of perfect? What does it mean to you? See if your answer is the same now as after listening to the song (trust me on this one) with lyrics about eating your body weight in chocolate and loving exactly who you want to love, the song is already a winner before we are even half way through…

Over the years, we have all heard songs about owning yourself, loving yourself and truly being yourself, but it’s rare in 2018 that another song comes along and really resonates, but this one does – with all kinds of emotion throughout the track, clean, simple vocals and lyrics that make you want to tweet Anne-Marie with a virtual-hug gif.

The track is the definition of less is more, showing off her beautiful not-so-little voice as well as her songwriting skills, all whilst promoting self love and challenging what our idea of perfect really is, which in this day and age is such a powerful message to be sending out, not just to young people, but to us in our twenties and thirties too (and beyond!).

For the record, we think she is gorgeous both inside and out – you can check out the video for the song too which features different people talking about their idea of perfect, plus footage of Anne-Marie talking about how her idea of the word has changed as she has grown older, she says:

“Right now, the meaning of perfect to me is being different. Being different from everyone else in the world. I just think that’s beautiful,”

We couldn’t agree more, check out the song and video here

Molly Gould
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